A career in finance can include teaching other people how to handle their finances responsibly. This may include teaching people how to manage their student loans, apply for a mortgage, and budget for their monthly expenses. You might also teach people how to set up an emergency fund. Finance experts might also teach you about the importance of a trust and healthcare power of attorney.
You can work as a budget analyst or a financial planner. These positions typically require a bachelor’s degree and a few years of work experience. The average salary for this position is $66,610 per year. However, your earning potential may vary depending on your geographic location. For example, those who work in New Jersey earn $161,130, while those in Alabama and Louisiana earn $86,620. Another career in finance is as a personal wealth manager or financial advisor. These individuals help individuals plan for their financial futures and assist them with their taxes.
In some companies, a master’s degree in finance is necessary for advancement. This degree will enable you to become a financial analyst or even a compensation and benefits manager. However, most entry-level positions will only require a bachelor’s degree. Many large corporations need financial managers to analyze cash flow statements and compile profit projections. These professionals are responsible for keeping companies profitable.
The doctorate degree in finance can lead to a career as a financial professor or researcher. Earning a doctorate takes four to five years. Depending on your level of expertise, you could become a chief officer for a large corporation. Additionally, you could teach college students about business. A bachelor’s degree in business will allow you to teach business classes. An advanced degree will also allow you to become a college professor.
With a bachelor’s degree in finance, you can earn an average salary of $60,000. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, the number of new financial analyst jobs will grow by 773,800 between 2016 and 2026. These professionals write analytical reports and create financial plans. In addition, they make financial projections about future investments.
Graduate degrees in finance can also help you to advance your career. A Master of Science in finance is an excellent option if you have a desire to learn about the financial world. This degree will prepare you for positions in business management, corporate finance, and investment banking. The program will integrate economics, accounting, and mathematics to provide you with a strong background in finance.
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